Thursday, October 11, 2007

Disney Caricatures

Here are the 3 highlighted caricatures of my Disney Trip! The top two are of an actual couple I saw while waiting in the Finding Nemo Submarine Ride Line.....I'm sure the expression on my face when I spotted these two was priceless. I drew these two a couple hours after seeing them and even my fellow animators were able to recognize them and go "Oh yeah! I remember seeing them!" Two of the many fantastic characters that inhabited Disneyland that day. The bottom one is from my second time around on Pirates of the Caribbean. I randomly turned around and saw this lady COMPLETELY by herself in the middle row of this boat snapping pictures of the ride and such. It was another image that was burned in my head and I had to draw her when I got the chance. I honestly want to go back to Disneyland just to sketch. It was great getting back out into the public and drawing after many weeks of zero public life drawing. I do miss my food court visits a lot.....but Disney certainly was a nice breath of fresh air in my newly started sketchbook.

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